Thank you Nashville for such an amazing reception to “Shooting Star”!
Online Gallery Coming Soon
“Shooting Star”
An Exhibition of Art Unseen
Words, images, and music that share the intimate struggle through addiction, depression, and art.
From the depths of darkness to hope and light, Shooting Star shares the works of young artists who articulated the depth of human emotion before their untimely passing.
Gypsy Cadillac’s co founder, Valarie Allyn Bienas, after losing her artist son, Z, to an accidental overdose, underwent a profound transformation in her art, life and reason.
She has created Shooting Star to give purpose to unseen art and parents, sisters, brothers and friends to have a place to celebrate and honor creatives they have lost.
The inaugural exhibition featured artwork from Valarie’s son Z, alongside pieces by Jordan Watts, the late brother of Nashville singer-songwriter Kelsie Watts, who lost his battle with depression at the age of nineteen.
The strong bond between Valarie and Kelsie has blossomed into a beautiful collaboration, allowing the artwork of both Z and Jordan to be experienced and live on forever.